Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Chickens, Chickens How Can Your Garden Grow??

chicken eating flower

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
 With silver bells, and cockle shells,
 And pretty maids all in a row....

flower pots

Alice and Joanie B., who, like most discerning chickens, love flowers - they are magnifique to eat!

Easter lilies so savory (as most bulb flowers are, except tulips--hmmm candy - Joanie B. likes red the best, Alice favors yellow)...

Annuals - so delicate and sweet - they melt in a chicken's mouth as they shred them to bits...

Pure scrump-tious-ness - the flowers, not the stems and stalks and you can see by this photo of Laurenjoan's garden...

 What to do, what to do - if you are a flower lover and NOT a chicken?  You, being a discerning person who loves flowers, as they are magnifique to look at....what to do?
Why go to your local SCCLD Library - or simply go on line to and order up a few books and such that will arm you offensively for a beautiful garden, a place to see and enjoy flowers whether in a pot, or in a vase, or in a book, or in a bedtime story...
Flowers, Flowers, Flowers!
Free-range Chicken Gardens
Free-range Chicken Gardens
Many gardeners fear chickens will peck away at their landscape. But you can keep chickens and have a beautiful garden, too!

A Backyard Flower Garden for Kids
A Backyard Flower Garden for Kids
Where should your garden grow? -- What should you grow? -- Butterflies, birds, and you -- Planting time -- No space? No worries!
Jeff Hutton shows you and your kids how to grow your own food and your favorite flowers, attract butterflies, create crafts, & more.
This beautiful book captures all the sights and sounds of a child’s interactions with nature, from planting acorns or biting into crisp apples to studying tide pools.
A biography of First Lady Bird Johnson who reminded citizens about the importance of conserving natural resources and promoted the beautification of cities and highways by planting wildflowers.

Planting A Rainbow
Planting A Rainbow
This educational picture book helps children understand how to plant bulbs, seeds, and seedlings, and nurture their growth.
 chicken and violets
Photo above from:  Countryfarm Lifestyles


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