Friday, March 29, 2013

A Very Vintage Easter - Off We Go!

young girl carrying Easter basket and holding bouquet of purple flowers

The beauty of springtime,

delicate blossoms,

green hills covered in mustard flowers,

colored eggs hidden in the garden...

a chicken riding a bike...

...with a wagon full of Easter Eggs...

chicken riding bicycle with attached cart carrying Easter eggs

ahhh, the good old days -- they are a part of forever spring....
children in a cart made out of an eggshell being pulled by two rabbits hitch up your chick (or bunny) to your egg wagon...
child riding on a wagon made out of an egg and pulled by two chicks

or set sail in your egg boat upon a pea-green sea...
child in a boat made out of an eggshell

or just push your wheelbarrow of eggs....
bunny pushing a wheelbarrow full of Easter eggs some great VINTAGE resources at the SCCLD Library!

Vintage at the Library - try some today!
Style Me Vintage

And for more old-fashioned visual fun - check out some boards on PINTEREST-- like these:


Sources for a non-pinterest images:

O Brother Chicken, Sister Chick--Egg-static Spring!
O Brother Chicken! Sister Chick!
 O gracious me! O my!
This broken Eggshell was my home!
I see it with my eye!
However did I get inside? Or how did I get out?
And must my life be evermore, an atmosphere of doubt?

Can no one tell? Can no one solve, this mystery of Eggs?
Or why we chirp and flap our wings,—or why we've all two legs?
And since we cannot understand,—
May it not seem to me,
That we were merely born by chance,
Egg-nostics for to be?
--- Edward Lear (1812–88)
Alice and Joanie B. have been busy laying eggs - it's that time of year - Spring brings more sunshine, more sunshine means more eggs. The eggs are piling up faster then Laurenjoan can eat 'em.

Joanie B: Wraawwk! There goes another one into the nest box.

Alice: Move over Joanie B. It's my turn to use the nest box.
There were two nest boxes in the coop, but only one was used by both hens. The other box just didn't have the proper cozy feel for laying an there was always a scramble and a shuffle going on inside the old roost.

Joanie B: AwwwK - I' m egg-static - it's Spring - time for Peter Cottontail to hop down the bunny trail!

Alice: Time to put on our bonnets and fill our baskets with Easter eggs - pink, blue, yellow, green, purple...hey -- my eggs are just speckled brown - I wonder where colored eggs come from??

Joanie B: Peter Cottontail, of course - like the song says:

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppin', Easter's on its way....

...He's got jelly beans for Tommy
Colored eggs for sister Sue
There's an orchid for your mommy
And an Easter bonnet too
Notes from Laurenjoan: Jelly Beans and Things
Spring has sprung and with it comes all things jelly bean, chocolate bunny and colored eggs galore. Alice and Joanie B. know where their eggs come from, but as for Peter Cottontail - it's all Holiday Symbols and Customs (e-book) states on page 215:

Where do Easter eggs come from? According to German folklore, the Easter Bunny lays the eggs and hides them in the garden, although other creatures have also been given credit for the laying of Easter eggs. In France, children are told that the Easter eggs are dropped by the church bells on their way back from Rome.

You can find more, just take a look at the ebook Holiday Symbols and Customs (e-book), available on the SCCLD Online Resources page under Cultures and Communities.

And, if you're hankering to hear the Peter Cottontail song, you can find the classic Gene Autry version (and more) for free as a member of the SCCLD Library on Freegal Music.

As for Edward Lear, the poet of nonsense verse, you can find O Brother Chicken! Sister Chick! and many more poems on The Columbia Grangers's World of Poetry, another database available to SCCLD members.

Of course, there are always books and cds - like these:
The Golden Egg Book
The Golden Egg Book

The Owl and the Pussycat
The Owl and the Pussycat
Happy Spring, Everyone!
P.S. - The SCCLD Libraries will be closed on Sunday, March 31, 2013 (Easter Sunday) and on Monday, April 1, 2013 (in observance of Cesar Chavez Day).

Chicks and egg photo sources -
"Here Comes Peter Cottontail" is a popular Easter song composed in 1950 by Steve Nelson and Jack Rollins.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Monday, String Beans--All You Chicks and Children-Eat it up!

Focus on Food
Alice and Joanie B.
were croaking their favorite food song
in celebration of SCCLD'S Focus on Food --

Mother hen with her chicks

Today is Monday, today is Monday
Monday, string beans

All you hungry children
Come and eat it up.
Old-time photo of children feeding chickens

Tuesday, spaghetti...
Old-time photo of a small child feeding several chickens

Wednesday, ZOOOOP...
Old-time photo of two boys giving their grandmother a basket of vegetables for soup

Thursday, roast beef. . .
Old-time photo of two tables of children eating

Friday, fresh fish. . .
Old-time photo of two small boys having a picnic

Saturday, chicken...


what? chicken!? How about tofu instead?


Saturday, tofu chicken...
Old-time photo of two small children eating

Sunday, ice cream!
(Yummy, Joanie B's favorite day of the song!)

Old-time photo of a little girl eating ice cream

Today is Sunday, today is Sunday
Sunday, ice cream
Saturday, chicken
Friday, fresh fish
Thursday, roast beef
Wednesday, ZOOOOP!
Tuesday, spaghetti
Monday, string beans......

Old-time photo of a child drinking from a cup

All you hungry children
Come and eat it up!

Today Is Monday
Today Is Monday
Laurenjoan--Tidbits a la mode:
Today is Monday is a traditional folk song. Eric Carle made a colorful picture book about it titled, Today Is Monday.
Today is Monday is a fun way to sing about food, all while the children are learning the days of the week (hurray for Early Child Literacy in storytime!).
And, SCCLD's Focus on Food is bringing exciting and innovative programs for Adults, Teens, Children -- School-Age kids and even preschoolers and toddlers - to our libraries February through May of 2013. Awesome programs are going on now --
Focus on Food

And - if you want to sing along with this song - check out these cds:

Today is Monday Song -- sing-along why don't you?
Singing All the Way Home
Singing All the Way Home
I like to Sing!
I like to Sing!

***Notes about the Old Time Photos in this Post
You can research and find a rich collection of photos from the Library of Congress - Prints and Photographs On-Line Catalog and right here on the SCCLD website:!

Sources of photos on this page: