Saturday, February 15, 2014

Chickens Cross the Road Not Taken...

Alice and Joanie B. Dream of a World of Roads to Cross...

chickens on the road

In the New Year, Alice and Joanie B. are chickens who are ever questioning and questing--pecking around for answers through their adventures, crossing many roads. The inner-chicken always crowing for exploration and chicken-self-determination.

For Alice and Joanie B. - such restless angst is best addressed through poetry, whether chicken themed or chicken nuanced.  Thus, we find our fair-feathered-library-hens squawking aloud  -- in chicken-speak (translations provided in parenthesis) -- their favorite poem addressing a chicken's relationship to roads...

Alice: Rawkkk!  The Road Not Taken

Joanie B: Bawk Rawwwkbert Frawwost....

Alice:  Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
            And sorry I could not travel both
           And be one chicken, (traveler), long I roosted (stood)
           And pecked (looked) down one as far as I could
           To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Joanie B:  Then chook (took) the other, as just as feathered (fair)
                    And having perhaps the better croak (claim)
                    Beak-cause it was grassy and wanted worms (wear)
                   Though as for that the scratching (passing) there
                   Had wraww-worn them really about the same,

Alice:  And both that morning equally laid an egg (lay)
           In leaves no claw (step) had scratched (trodden) black.
           Yet knowing how wraaawwk (way) leads to wraaawwkk (way),
            I doubted if I should ever scratch back (come back).

Joanie B:  I shall be crooning (telling) this with a squawk (sigh)
                    Somewhere eggs and eggs (ages and ages) hen (hence)
                    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I---
                    I chook-chook (took) the one less crossed (traveled) by;
                    And that has made all the differ-hen-ce (difference).
chicken on a yellow wood road


...And somehow in the course of their chicken recitation, Alice and Joanie B. find solace, their yearning assuaged by the language of roads and poets...(within the poetic collection at SCCLD of course) - or, as Antonio Machado (Translated by Alan S. Trueblood) writes in a poem found in   A Family of Poems:

Has My Heart Gone to Sleep?
Has my heart gone to sleep:
Have the beehives of my dreams
stopped working, the waterwheel
of the mind run dry,
scoops turning empty,
only shadow inside?
No, my heart is not asleep.
It is awake, wide awake.
Not asleep, not dreaming--
its eyes are open wide
watching distant signals, listening
on the rim of the vast silence.
chickens in the sunset

Robert Frost
Robert Frost

Notes from Laurenjoan:

Chickens, roads, poetry - the very stuff of life - hear the real  Robert Frost,  *himself* reading the real poem "The Road Not Taken" (minus interpretation by chickens) with the *real* poem printed below:

The Road Not Taken 
by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
(Source SCCLD Online Resource:  The Columbia Granger's World of Poetry)

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**Interested in reading more Alice & Joanie B. by Laurenjoan adventures?
Well then, click here**

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Chick Lit + Rooster Romance = Happy Egg Story

chickens and roosters and romance stories....
can it mean happy eggs?

Reading to chicks

Alice and Joanie B, library-hens, take their chick lit seriously - readers' advisory is at the top of their professional pecking wonder Alice "bawked! " when she saw the "so-crowed" news from the U.K.:

Breaking News!!



Chick lit -- for hens!
First Book Aimed at Chickens Has Been Written


Fifty Shades of Hay:

Author Pens Chick Lit Novel

Falling for Clooney

Alice:  Baaawwk!  Would you peck at this Joanie B - "first book aimed at chickens" -
and hoooww they are bawking about it on Youtube...
Joanie B. pecked the replay on the Youtube video:  Falling for Clooney
.... as Alice crowed on and on...Joanie B was fact,

Joanie B:  I think I need to lay an egg, right now!
"Bawk, ba bawk, ba baaawwk, bawk!" Joanie B. sang her egg song to the tune of
"Some Egg-chanted Evening."
Joanie B's egg son

Alice:  Brek! Joanie B's falling for "Falling for Clooney" ... as for me...I'd advise my fellow feathered hen friends to read about some fine roosters at SCCLD like:

Elvis the Rooster and the Magic Words
Elvis the Rooster and the Magic Words

Alice:  ...or read about some Bawk n Rolling rooster...
Bawk & Roll
Bawk & Roll

Alice:  Finding a good read about roosters at the library will make you want to check out:

Alice the chicken talks

alice the chicken

Notes from Laurenjoan:

It's true - Chick Lit for chickens - an idea for a rooster romance in audio book form that was commissioned by the Happy Egg Company in the UK --  "to play to our girls to help them settle at night" -- after research found that "the human voice can have a calming effect on laying hens."
Well, if they'd asked anybody who gets a bedtime story read to them - they coulda told them all about the calming/sleepy feeling of a good story at nighttime!
Richard Scarry's Bedtime Stories
Richard Scarry's Bedtime Stories
The Random House Book of Bedtime Stories
The Random House
Book of Bedtime Stories


Alice and Joanie B by Laurenjoan logo

**Interested in reading more Alice & Joanie B. by Laurenjoan adventures?
Well then, click here**

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