Thursday, May 2, 2013

Alice and Joanie B -- of Weddings and Chickens

wedding cake
Alice and Joanie B. had the after-the-wedding-bells blues --
-- one spectacular, magical event was over.....

oh the cake....layers of chocolate, tiramasu, and lovely light vanilla.
Alice likes chocolate, but Joanie likes everything - so she had three pieces!

The music and the dancing were spot-on, tripping-the-light fantastic!
chicken dancing
The champagne and flowers were yummy!
chickens drinkingchickens eating flowers
The Groom was enraptured -
chicken groom

The Bride was stunning in pearls!
chicken bride

Alice: Brawwwk! How will we ever recover from such a fabulous wedding?

Joanie B: It won't be easy - or so say my feet...awwk!

Alice: Maybe some good stories will help.
Joanie B: Grawwk! Stories ALWAYS help! Here are some stories that are good for after- the-wedding-bells blues -

Notes from Laurenjoan - On Becoming a MOTHER-IN-LAW

Who would have thought I'd ever be a mother-in-law! But my son, Zachary, went ahead and made me one by getting married on April 20, 2013!

And if I'm a mother-in-law, that means that the library is too because Zach was practically born at the Friday after work when he decided to come 2 1/2 weeks early, thus starting my maternity leave early too...

Then, he grew into a library page-clerk for Milpitas Library from high school to college -- contemplated going to Library School -- but got a fever to be a nurse instead and went on to nursing school - Whew!

The groom
Mr. Zachary Sebastian Teixeira,
of Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Sebastian Teixeira,
waiting for his bride to come down the aisle,
Sabrina Cosce - now -Teixeira!
Alice and Joanie B. by Laurenjoan - a blog about Chicken Fashion Nation
photo sources:

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